
In your life, you have a lot of this competition, to compare....you are not a thing in life, that is why you ending the way you are. Okay?! You saying the guy brings out his date...one of those movie line? Because in some circle of crowd, those things are very very very normal.

You like that girl, but you are in competition to her.

Sometimes, that guy isn't that important, you ever think of?  That is not your ground. You accept that girl because she is talking to you, because because because.....you could just always accept EVERY human on Earth, there is no one on Earth?

You don't need to make friend with that girl, or that guy, you understand your mind set? You clutch really at? That guy. 

Your have a Bible, that YOUR own God say Judge people not. You are a lot of this playing game field, if that guy just....tiny IQ brain which all of them have. I already say that TOO many time. Your own God says, you don't deliver one word when it comes to "The first person running out of the door" no matter what scenario.

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