
台灣是民主嗎?is Taiwan democracy ?

中國不是在嗎? China not here?

告訴我,民主世界之下的你跟他….Tell me, under the democracy world of you and him ?

你們去 Google 101 在滴妹抄襲事件第一件事情 You all going to Google 101 the first thing after your sister Plagism Justin Timberlake !

那為什麼我尊上腦海記憶是第一件事情呢? Then why in my Honorable Superior’s brain that’s the first thing ?

是不能抄襲在台灣新聞上, 沸沸揚揚的候選人,但是台灣並不重要呀!所有人都知道中國事共產呀!這只有某種事情只可能在民主世界之下才會,天天立法院打架呀!你們不是想換國旗嗎??

It’s not capable plagisn to be on Taiwan news so hot so hot news the Taiwan political candidate their paper degree plagism, but Taiwan isn’t important ! Everyone knows China is communism! Only what things could be happening inside the democracy world, legislation fighting on camera TV everyday, don’t you all wish to switch the flag?


Say it !

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