
Kail object all that !!! The court Judge I think it means it can sustain "Continue", you want to go to Kail Mursil?

Going through Black Ops. Its just a procedure, not the lawsuit. Using him, using me. 

He just meant there is a process how to validate their per account life experience, they are the same age.....their worlds have the telepathy, not just by blind sight looking and reading at it with the eye glasses like that Zawanna?

There is no way she could EVER find those things out, that just simpliest statement, you want to say that to the Judge? It might just work every step the "objection," sound like he Kail was a lawyer, and you all just being obedience to accept the way that is.

Someone has to be in that seat, doing nothing but "object"!

You want to collect each morning here 100 birds, because if you put them in 100 rooms, to how in the end of my misery, they all can object by that one Judge ear head phone, trying to sound right they using 100 Judges just staring at the birds.  My roof all birds. I cannot raise them, cannot shut up. I object !

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