
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’˜ Let me think 2 scenario ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’˜ 1) Tina Jojo lists of yesterday guys without that list. 2) Someone far away so near (love talk) when you open up your phone browswer such as Friday Night

Its so near, so talk.

Its so far away, so near imagination talk looking at you.

Its one browser page away. You could just shut it off. 

Let's me and Kim having a conversation, that is she is stable, having a home.

Let's say me and my father's sister (grandmom) they used to have a ex husband house in California, all fruit trees similar to Isebel. They are all Asian decendant of the Foreign Affair Department people, not just below that General Speaking, its the "Wife" and "the Social Military Circle", their tradition is the small tiny circle within the Taiwanese.

Its a transpassing a home, that is freely walking in the front door. That space sounds a different talk without the 9-5 saying whenever I want to run a mail box errand.

From Hank and Tina's El Toro home, its....one street over, the same road everything on it.

This scenario would be I water Kim's plants, I am talking to Kim.

So saying one of you girl talking to me, its Me watering my plants, really. Only I cared about the gardening on my Pinterest. 10 years later. 20 years onward.

Tell you the scenario between my father and my mother.

That for sure its that my father side never bother to talk to ROC, my mother they are democratic. 

I personally not sure how they met. Their mouth to that political realm will not shut up. Her mother, not her. She is disable inside the brain space. 

Your prayers its through the Judge.

Your prayers its through the Judge while you succeeding that Judge, you walking free in the zone of the public, saying you doing charity events.

Quietly, the will you are, the way you are, the derived merits that you are.

I just told the public, go to hell with it, you all started on the street with that Simon All together on roaming the Turkish airline. See, they had an Earthquake, how the merits running thins on human just die.

Me and Zawanna is different. That is what I say.  Its his recommended words, so I trusted, and implemented. To my own...personal space, NOT the National Policy.

I am his puppy, I am his slave. "That is a fantastic idea! How come I never thought about it." You see, every time I born brand new, that some assistant from the Upper...uhm uhm uhm....is this Apple organic local grown? This is not cotton candy from the vendor twirling purple clouds with a stick and a plastic wrap.

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