
Okay, you are all set from my part. I talked to Shane, and you those group leadership all + Shane to wait for the court on that green light for the next 2 or 3 weeks, including each of you, if some have the foreign evaluation report

With all that, you give yourself as the leadership to breath.

And the rest of some other....whomever finish the report, in the end of the 2 weeks, or the end of the 3rd week, you gather again, to continue this....your lawyer, your company and your local district court to continue those file-ing claim as you might have doing so the last how many years you settle any of that in details. 

Zawanna situation I talked about it. Its our End Time in a book here, but ENDs over there. Its the civilian or the union won, I am not sure whom raise up the white flag. So is...not sure what this Thor were saying. He is the commander-in-Chef.

That 2 or 3 weeks ago that Friday, there was another commander, stopped me. Or he is also the commander-in-chef, all that are moving through because they all have a strategic planning up to...have to be landing at this magic square on my birthday. Those are loosen all out of the neck of somebody.

My BTX is also settle the biggest part on that equation, so my own jobs + 2 video yesterday will be sequenced at this part of all things related to BTX. So now there is a NASA  + the American Medical Board continuation of this Anatomy and Physiology continue topis, ....It doesn't have to be in this 2 or 3 weeks. But here is my schedule to talking to you all. 

All boys and all girls.

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