
Rich people, or wealthy people, whomever....they know the publishing fee. Its just one book stacking for their own benefits?

Its not a super big deal called self publishing from the people whom have the money.

For their after life ....exit !!!!

Practically if I want to publishing any garbage correspondent, I find my own fake crowd, and they write me the fan letter, and I response like its a real event. That is a book. 

Babaji is not here. What can I do for you? Leave the voice mail, see you next eternity year...don't called me, I am not the wild ghost. 

But here is the book for eternal publishing fee, you still gonna paying for it in my bank....sorry, that is the voice message made for. This is similar to whom I am reading that Great Master Spiritual Gem, they had a war too, so they have no more group meditation. Its all going home cage one person retreat meditation. I forget to tell them that in my time. Oops.  

Its eternity know, not the contemporary knows. Imagine....How I Make You Feel.

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