
Something about Chicken soup, the chicken stock brooth? The Women first month the Traditional Chinese eating meal...

I think its you stew that chicken thoroughly. I never done it. The brooth you have to find the pesture...what is the word in English, meaning you have a not one of those Asian looking market to get the chicken? 

Because in today my supermarket here....those more upper, more grocery looking, they have this American import Beef and next by its the chicken drum, or all separate cut so you buy a lot of those container, to stack up one meal cooking in Taipei. The Europe or American, when you saying the Supermarket its the only places they process the public hygenic Meat business, its all the same uniform standard. I never buy the meat in America, where do they sell it?

The frozen session? Its done already. 

The bacon is already in the bag, per slice cut similar to the Mazoralla cheese, per slice done in the bag? Oh ~The Deli session? Do we have the Deli session ? I don't remember a thing, I never walking by to check where are the meats at. 

With those process meat idea, you buy the high pressure cook ware and you need the wine, I never study at it. To do what? 

The taste, or the brooth? Those things you have engineering at home, because some people they all having a different taste bug. Some like the herbs from the Western world. Chinese all eating the soy sauce, did I say, I am very out of the soy sauce not even a drop of it? 

Not the system, for some reasons, I like the pumpkin soup or if I added the creme to look whiter, or more yellow orange brighter, not the soy sauce base.....those, I am not sure what happened. I need a more thickening soup. 

Sometimes with the rice in it. I cannot take it the soy dark color to my soup anymore. I never use it anymore.  

But for the guys, if they are eating those Tareraki sauce....We have this vegan chicken, those are nice sauce next by it. The vegan chicken doesn't have a taste that much. You have to ask the guy if they really really really like the soy sauce. Meaning very salty in the taste. 

I would eat that sauce, true. Its with the sugar and oil burn in it to make it, not just the soy sauce by itself. I have this feeling about the steam eggs inside the rice cooker, to surface a top layer nothing but the soy sauce feeling, makes me vomit. 

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