
Technically their faces are all blank to me. ....I am like that, might be just the singing bug idea, I cannot understand what they say, they do, they put there. I don't have an illusion they saying things behind those lyrics.

Because....1. I don't care about the story. 2. Not if you all imagine that person is a real Ancient Chasez. 3. To me its everything irrelevant, so I cannot process anything they say they are innocent.

4. They are. They make it up all those stuffs.

5. With a process how they doing that. Shane did that. I listen to the song, I did. There is a presentation that putting through at the audience mind and at the legal aspect, he went to get those first rule correct, before all those things got on.

I think that is what it is. I just say what I think. 

I went to watch the movie or the TV. They all did. They have some different approach too. 

Shut up, birds.

No, I have no creative writing on any TV platform. No. I am constantly on the internet cannot possible to be that fainted mind, where I say I am always be at and what things process right inside my hand. 

All your attitudes its very bad as if everyone owing to you something.

Since the MD will be sent in first ....practically speaking, all TV halt until the patient all profile are evaluated through the Black Ops at this external factors all things at their brain were damage, if the physical forces were present in any given of their life more than 10 times, how that knocking its very very damaged to the brain. I say that yesterday. I did.

Correct, you going through CATS scan.

Whatever I say be proven on the modern technology, true, how you could ever damaged your own brain you don't even know. Its best you all be honest, because, no one understand what that movie Frozen means in that magnitude. I say the MD sending in just....like a cover umbrella for your own ego. Its the American Medical Board doing this examination, to all those latitude people exactly how that yearly data runs behind. Some might knew some certain facts, not they always knew its....that movie degree saying that so. And therefore, if you all be honest, and genuinely doing everything I told you so, that is not the Warring battle field, and in exchange some comfer in-door life somewhere more comfer to know you have 3 meals and heating device whichever you saying.....you imagine you relocated away from home. You could see your parents or be at your own home too.

Without going to work. Seriously.

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