
The Politics means....to that so many article or section of a paper folding art, there are procedure how each of that set points are going forward or retrieve back.

To that each of these background going up age, to replenish the generation after generation, the America will be one of the countries that speak of the human right or the human spirits how to, that equality to bring to all bracket of ladder people's economic statue if they strive to their skills and make it to the Top, no oppression as such the Royal family or the same age kids to whom, each other whom pamp inside the alcoholic beverage and the polo shirt, for saying the gulf course, on waste land the water usage on those per inches grass.....

So in America, you have these Student Clubs to where that young Obama when he starting....his past.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QQQKJJBJOY

He wrote in his biography when he starting to take some ground, that is already so many years pass and gone. When you starting at the political science club, that is not like the UB Ski club, its really just a few office down the road away from us APO or CAC. Its where they paying the heavy equipment for those high elevation girls or the boys for on the snowy bus to get there on the set dates. People like those activities, and buddies together.

To that every occasion of the social events, the politic students will be meeting and shaking hands to so many background of the people that including how to participate the local representative, or all each of the sector to where they gone to the New York State Governor, whom had a brother in CNN. These position of the local states were the electron from the people.

By the people, for the people, and of the people. There is a constitution that America will be the most upheaval to all hearing cases and the law proceeding countries. One of those activities its the fund raising while you are young, you are not afraid of talking to the people or approaching to the people.  Those skills will show when you get on the television. A lot of those skill from behind. The political science clubs what they gather that resources to train you a better person.

The difference to how the extracurriculum course works set apart the brain IQ points, how to make a clear point, a concise saying into all those English literacy, that associate all the law sections of written down the words, in the black and white. That IQ is set the standard in the Bar Exam, or before that, its the undergraduate time, LSAT just like the Legally Blonde.

Similar to a lot of the professional school student, they burn out too.

At least that is one chess club guy told me that. He was the Laws students, he is there taking a break, before the Bar Exam. He didn't continue that. That is when Tamang was still there. You saying what is in LSAT, there will be a lot of the English comprehensive how each of this words, sentence, paragraph to make a formal saying in English to that written like a civilized people's nature. Not playing the mouth jobs ideas. There will be the logic, how they also evolve to the chapter of their books, one of that almost saying the fallacy. In Chemistry, in Biology, in Math, we have given the laws of the Past to becoming the Present, so will that science field pushing forward to the future outlook...and one of that activities inside the society in the economic context, there are the business and finance world. They also got the college textbooks that details the laws of the fluncuation, the basic sense how the society that given out that ideal statistics, its all by the data statistics, at least you knowing it, its by the poll, by the data, by the graph charts. Not necessary you saying anything on the science math calculation. Its totally different, at least in my micro or macro-economic structure.

You define the laws, that doesn't mean you can apply that laws.


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