
We think as Anna grew up, including how this SMCH contact person to each district set up + their monitiziation schematics.....+ Amazon, she often made those TV saying whom she going to speak to groups by groups.

We as the back-end groups also have a group leadership + the team works we have to assign things to do. We do not wish for saying the future, we are the same, and everyone else is the wild card, or the wild ghosts. Meaning....its very very very extremely, this life they are jailed, or they are continue to make everyone miserable at their own location, as the human.

But once we all moving dead, we stay the almost identical job or the moving ladder to this...whatever, and they stay worsen, meaning a deteriorate form as the wild ghost. 

First, we never think the W Two worlds, meaning Tesla says cutting the Earth in half that simple.

Second, if we knew it that simple, all of us will forcing them to publishing a book, as that wild ghost has some merits by their readership or the company distribution. We will tell you, WE NEVER CAN take anything worse than that, quietly, or alone. We also wish to speak on our term. Those terms, is extremely affecting to us. We have the private life behind such as including the superstitious of tossing the coin, or looking at the tree or the wind. We didn't say those terms, but we freak out if we individually find out behind, with the natural forces, or these....animal on the street. We freak out that is our inner side of every life behind any job. Not to the job we say, not to the people we know we say, not to the world outside we say. That is how we all gonna ending up? We cannot say, that is our group. 

As for their current agenda...one of those Harry Potter round table if were not long or short legs to the Princess Diary the Bone doctors saying.....the boybands are the group leader + the team members. Like we say, we have a similar structure behind. Not everyone on the poor nature to imagine vola, but we understand everyone else around, having a burnt hell fire burning, we hear what they say, and what the boyband + Anna says. 

We are not their groups, we just....needed that same piece of paper too, we didn't make everything more friendly if that is what you or they say. But we need that piece of the paper to sound like a working relationship in the future its part of the future outlook. We wish these local to taken to Washington D.C housing at the North East will soon resolve. We cannot technically telling you the geographic location around the D.C, but if Anna did given you some head up, I am sure a lot of this luck to lucky how to get in those housing scene or years down the road, we may blessing you all passing by, and relate that political causes while we taken our case to the Washington D.C when we are ready, too.

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