
You are all testing the water....because of me. To see how far the wrong doing its being push ony our claim, because you are doing it, the public supports. Right?

Its between the choice of right or wrong...how it shall say in Harry Potter. You are pushing the limites at the Judge, for saying...inside your mind how much you willing to "swift and flip", you just didn't officially becoming that Lalla image, how far you willing to travel down the path, to be really whom you are, what you are, the self glorious moment. You are not sure.

You hear everyone says.

But the movies give you a hope. Am I right? You want to be a part of the movie for a very long time, you read, you understand your brain process all the words, you frighten, you scared, you understand...you understood. That part of you to this 20-25 years, because the court might realize you asking for a Title, you didn't ask for "Swift and flip", want to add on the Eternity lawsuit from your side?


Someone would be this stupid? 

25 years ago, not 50 years ago, you didn't add the Harry Potter witness line. You want to see your entire humanity how to sound right privately with the Judge?

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