
You are imagining or you are thinking...seriously, and that has anything to do with the microphone, or the publicity, meaning.....sorry, THE popularity? This is not about campaign yourself out of the wit things?

And you gonna asking any guy next by you? 你們有問過男孩子在你們旁邊的? 

How come no one telling me that? 怎麼沒有人跟我說這一件事情呢? 

The last time I had a position is with UB Jonathon, he says what I do what. Similar to the opening of that Mummy (1999), seriously just he saying.....anything?! He didn't really ask me anything to do. Not really.  

最後一次我有那個位置就是在 UB 的強納生,他說什麼我就做什麼,幾乎跟那個電影 Mummy (1999) 開場一模一樣,就是他說什麼就是什麼? 他其實沒有真的叫我做什麼事情 ~~

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