
You are not a very mild person, or the mild personality, meaning....for the money reason, you listen and you paying an attention. When you saying you only were 30-40 years old, no one expecting you, you could confront or confrontation to ANY people to the committee ANY Board.

Meaning, that you are just one of the interviewing process...

But then you are saying how you wishing to be in my photo like those confrontation moment just by the writing notice ....You need a piece of paper or introduction of your background including the GPA just about anywhere in any universes for saying your education degree just really needed to be completed to start up including those they asking you to do, or you refuse to fill in, or you pretend not heard, those evaluation people "lightly suggest" you do, you rebel out of your free will....

5 years down the road, it is not that really long of the Time Ago...you saying 4 years ago. 

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