
You can only be on Earth this time, to sort every paper works BEST. Just listen to me at least for your future whatever that Eternity sound like to you. Every court, to this TV, whatever you put inside your mind, and if they are telling you a story I have no idea?

I cannot understand what things they put on that TV?

It will be your EVERY prayer, how you exchange to end up in that Flower Thousand Bone, the Traditional Mermaid STORY. Its says the fallen in-love ! I understand that much?

Right now, you have a lot a lot a lot known people, that pitching in, and some are older, they seeing you young. If you insist you living on to 50 years old, losing the face and appearance, and if a lot of the things fallen down, you didn't secure that 20 years ago the court saying.....you don't know what you imagine, will keep staying inside the TV?

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