
You could just be friends with a lot of guys. You never say...you putting it down your dignity really.

I have no idea why that is not a life, she doesn't want that kind of ...average girls, really. Because, a lot of people are not making it in life, not really. Being nice, and being more delicate to the jobs, and never cursing words. Something wrong with her life she starts to curse the words. So strange.

A lot of you girls, because this world its operates like that...you going out of the market, you really really require to buy things. Really. Not just walking around like a date, you being with a guy has no money?

That is what happened to Tony and Mimmo they are. What a family is for. If you insist to be with that guy, you use your own money, let's say save and spare. But you all kind of very calculative to make that expense to the guy right on the first date, as if....that is what Tina Jojo does, the subconscious "you will be the dog like Mokie."

oh my God.

There is a lot of things I don't say okay? 

Those relationship never works out, the guys may not have the money, and the ones whom have the money will know exactly per degree how you shop, and show up in the market, really.

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