
You girls getting into a mode, that when you see "your eyes having a response through the back of your eye to the brain", this neurotransmitting message, you remember your class or requirement at all?

You compete and compared.

Most guys are taller. They are what you say egoistic, controlling, and very self contain true. Most time they take down the whole world responsibility without really go and arguing about it, but their IQ isn't my IQ, or my style, they go and sit there be sad about it. 

The very first day of that 16 years were that Oct 21th 2021, the Facebook I say?????? What did I say to you or your parents?

1. 16 years

2. Last row of the entire endless mass of people. 5 Major religion.

This year I starting to say you cannot stop compete and compared. What did I say the second sentence? 

Repeat it.

"Most guys are taller". Tell me what do I say?

That is called very genuine, and kind and small petty saying it. 

Its also called, too lazy, too contempt, too little people, to snubbishing, polite, only nobility exist with those whom have the education or somewhat background people.

You are nothing but eyes filled the criminal nature people and results...if not soon about 3 weeks ago I keep saying before or after BTX we drawing a final curtain on the small tiny reports here or there, as I am slowly opening that BTX results from the video sides. Some human 9 years didn't see a film of it other than the jobs on the first episode.

If someone like me.

If someone like me the born statue

If someone like me with the blood statue

If someone like me like the snowden grandpa, also from American side, you all hate American doing that, but in your country you are fine?

If someone like me for saying you are waiting another 16 years 40 years to realize, that is very very false, and cannot stop repeating it "fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it...." You have sprouting tiny hope wishing Simon saves you, or SMCH repriment me in front of the public will lighten your heart, I told you....jail inmate ending up inside the Bible its some guys' ego toooooooo HIGHTEN modern democracy like that AJ near that Nick Carter.

Looking at his shoes. He believing what justice inside his real American culture, you want to find out his born blood statues? It might be really worth it. You change your peripheral or vision to the Westlife, Ireland. What if I am talking to Carter, isn't that a main point yet.....?! 

Let me guess, its the right side turn or left side turn, Pitch Perfect Final, you seeing....which way I decide to pointing at you? With whom or from? 

" No Matter Where you from?" Carter would singing it to you in his own song, right?

I am not Zawanna, I stated it that on the first life here on Earth. Make that very clear, every single step of the way......some people its humanity gear hostile outside but educational freak reform or political....

Some, didn't evolution that way, for saying its too sad, or too cold to begin....what decades down the road, whom else have to find out that Frozen means, if none of your obligation to be too humble to write about it.

You mean "Steady make a pace" how that motion of all Space, with which ship for saying it was starting 2014, someone "steady makes a pace" what would that means in that personality I would have told you 25 years ago, 16 years ago, 7 years ago, someone whom I used to met, that doesn't worth a while for saying that entire I collect resource filted right under the American of the other open chest surgery through the throat 2 velvet opens...its really just when I want, how I want, exactly I make no sound, where it landing at, want.

Understand? No matter how you or your parents head on the back of my closet without my hands holding, you won't brreath starting first life, every life dead on, no conscious what happened here, no one breath for the eternity sense, its due to your own very karma, you are not dead right now emitting falsehood for fake it...imagine....what if the gamble on that GPA nature, it was a low education IQ women on Sri Lanka, Toronto Mississauga.

You mix up between this called the useless politician and no kill policy so I suffered, I meant already to the entire humanity, its eternity suffering .....for tiny service you wishing, that is Jonathon's best friend in Mummy (1999)

It won't matter what you look like.....really.  Where you from.

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