
You know how I talk to Shane, to this Ronan...sorry. I talk to Ronan, and he is the Messiah? So Taiwan that Square 4 years ago, you already hear the bread and the Curry is on our Television these Cartoon format. Seriously. 烘培王

But Ireland itself, they also training their youth. WE, me and Square supposed to be the bloodline. She is useless or she is inside the jail.

Can you imagine, Shane they don't train their own stuffs, I cannot train these Square don't do things here with that Taiwan Youtuber 阿滴. The Youtuber Business from Google that is starting when him shows up, and he remains there as one of the leading voice with his sister plagism on that Justin Timberlake. 


To that Ronan Keating, he is from Boyzone, not Westlife.

I didn't say Congee...... wait.


I think its saying Westlife and Boyzone has to be in....Ireland side. Not American side. So...the American doing their own Kitchen education at all, or Zero. That is what I heard. My mother usually do the corn soup, I say onion soup with the Pastry on top. Really, and US has this Food Network, Eggplant Laguana. 

The soup its just the onion, butter, oregano (the herbs are important), and Ireland so far away....I guess the olive oil without the taste is fine. The basic things in it. Salt.

But let's say at the mean time, that doesn't take a lot of time to really doing anything with that pot of 2 on the stove. Some home has 8 stove. And that saying I think European eating this red potato small, you cube a quarter to make that looking. Those are like side dishes.



But you are saying more of the frying procedure are your Mastery...really.  Every Big Eggplant they sell only that type in America, you need to slice the way the Foodnetwork says, so you process with the salt before anything can be done. Its to strain out the water below it. I technically have my own method lightly fried, but the American TV will say its bread crumb fried. To me, its just one elaborate starting afternoon or the day before preparation of those procedure. Its not a big deal.  To you it will be a super super big deal, for saying you adding the "Egg" and "breadcrumb" for saying that is Japanese Penko if they even selling in Ireland.

 That is 10 human guys. Meaning at least 2 Pots of that Big red Pot

2 at least Eggplant languasa, I know American has this pasta looking thin rectangle? That is the languasa means? The way here the picture are small tiny, really. I hate the tomato sauce because its very acidic the things they add...so if without using the Prego, I hate the taste, it is the day before you making that sauce will make the easy next day to just add, add, add, add, put in the oven, sitting there doing nothing at the kitchen counter.


This is the part of the decoration veggie, you meaning all the brocolli washed, and lightly boiled, they can eat the cool off brocolli...its just one bundle, meaning one flower of that whole brocolli, if from the farmer's market, usually its very giant. American sell smaller, so you pick like 5  of them for 10 people, because the rest you can just keep re-boiling later.
Knife jobs, carrots, cucomber, brocolli, boiled corn from the farmer's market, not the small baby corn.

Here is the part of the Costco Salmon they sell huge I seeing it in the ASMR.

So 10 guys, you imagine....some salad with the decoration veggie because you sitting there nothing to do, slice, cut, cut, cut, cut, so mad....over all these garbage...

Chopping....all that to make a presetnation side by, you have the waiting boiling that entire salmon, I don't eat raw, and I think there is a lemon or something made of the salmon to taste. I never cook the fish if you asking me. So..oh I remember one orange cut in 4 cuts down. Not 2 cuts makes 4. Its 8, so you only used the 2 orange for 10 people decoration veggie.


Cucumber processed simple : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/403635185339166784/
If you have the machine doing this, you can just add the sweet potato, to fried the sweet potato, but at the same time process the cucomber to decorate it.

American Wal-Mart selling this next by the potato tart selling in...Wendy or KFC one of those 儂特利 but they are super oily in Wal-Mart frozen session. You can just after baking that eggplant or before.....they are gathering to talk, that is what they have for snack + ranch I guess. Its already pre-made. If you don't want that be super oily, just like the outside food, to eat home, then you fried these lightly. Its very thin. Its to reduce fat and preservative. I invented those.....remember? The chemist job its the artificial flavor and preservative. You don't need to stain the flower to fry, its thin, not like the photo, but maybe you just buy Wal-mart, it looks exactly like this photo, really.  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/611011874446764178/


 Because the above are the Cucumber and Sweet Potato, how do you make them? You have a plastic machine rotate them. Its plastic so you can also doing the Raw food for the real veggie called Zucchini. I done this gazillion times feeling like.....Because American don't eat Taiwan the smaller cucumber, they use the BIG cucumber so I never eating them in America. I have no idea how to process the American cucumber. We had this sweet and sour Taiwan small cooling summer small dishes...so I never buy American cucumber. I have no idea what do they do with it.

Here is the machine. These pinterest so useful now.


The real zuccini raw ....noodles, or that is basically to me its the salad ....you can feed any guy with that kind of the food, you called them the celebrity. Maybe just appetizer.....you have to re-engineering the dressing part. Soak the cashew over night, and that magic bullet to push it down, and spinning it. Its a mash things....they all been eating I guess like every day not tired of it.

The magic bullet, just pressing it down like Ryoya kitchen remember?


Look! How to press it....kitchen spacious...laziness, doing nothing inside that kitchen: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/316237205097287084/


Birds, so noisy !!!!!! 



What do I suppose to cook?

Pasta !!! Right....What was I supposed to do in the kitchen?

Shut up~

oh ~ I think its the white grain long rice +try, callaway seed+cinnimom. They might like them, I have to experiment them before. What the elaborate human called the celebrity.

Westlife + Boyzone.

~ uh, that is in the rice cook. Not cooking them myself. What do I supposed to do? Salad ! Washed ...and probably one of those organic sprouts, and you need some carrots slice under nearth to make a plate I guess. All those decoration of 10 plates never stop, the stack up the dishes plate.


Right, this is probably the only things besides the Onion soup to be boiled in that 8 Stoves, or 4 stove, so that 2 goes on the side, when heating required. Its to boil the potato the day before and smash hits the Wall.....and then next day, you create the dough just flour and water, you ready to fry fry fry.

That doesn't take long for how big is their table anyway. That many white plate? 


Samosa like 4 each plate like that











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