
You know, one of those human will NEVER blink their eyes on this bilateral human, saying you turn your torsal, or you saying torso English, I thought was Torsal what not....not Dorsa (Indian what food,) or Disney cartoon Dosa Fat belly kid girl, not infant....or Finding Memo Dori....

Because by the sounding OF YOUR ENGLISH native speaking WHAT American English, you cannot have a memory Brain to remember ANYTHING inside your IQ, its at ZERO degree, when you TOO care about this Romance inside your eyes, if a guy coming near, you will forgotten, ANYTHING you suppose to use your brain while HE is there, or HE is GONE, out of the weekend airplane somewhere. 

Dosa (google search), the indian food, looks like a FLUTE, too cylinder round Top up, when they laying it FLAT on the camera angle.

Finding Nemo - Dory or Dori.

Its Ellen Degenerate face right below, how sweet !? 


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