



當年,當初,到某一種時間,你的好朋友突然是那種,會自圓其說的警察,打圓場的台語包括!!越南小尼姑跟這個提哪舅舅,還是方方兩年也說是 ABC,在方便不過了!這張別人給你的一張臉,你多的是時間可以還!你的徒弟突然就是,你高興就好的嘰嘰喳喳!你只需要擺一張臉,哪種生氣啊,演戲呀!所有人就要恭敬推託拉扯的意思,這釋迦摩尼佛叫做哪種倒的身軀,你,是付不出來,做不到的那一個!!


聖嚴還是哪個在電視上面?你喜歡打小報告叫做當初可以錯的每一次!你就是那種越南小尼姑 ABC 要不要我多擺幾個,叫做你身心真驕傲 凹奧傲那種?





怎麼不把總統制的哪一個包括哪種王子全部扔到地板,看巴巴基會說那真的真的只是智商問題呦呦~ 呦!

Westlife Brian McFadden 

You don’t understand 仙女 樵夫 story or you want me to hire someone re-made Ireland flag on the ground step on it or burnt ?

They destine goes to hell, try to listen she says so. All of them. Eternal. 


Every time Micky mouse it’s he hire you, it’s Shane. So it’s??

Hire-to-do? How come this ADD inside outside this …does Mark look like that? You 2 are not the same, that’s odd. Or it’s destine you are out for one love? So it’s the band inside ?

This Micky Mouse I have a lot of words to ask him !! Really !! To get rid of you how love will transform you any secrecy this emitted world. This every human doesn’t feel alone…what do you think I ever know!!

You must don’t remember blessing ….an indian old women hola hops!! All these women it’s you don’t know how to manage, it’s a news paper face card, met Levine? To that humanity one Earth, you surely know how to smile like that Micky mouse or else that Babaji will never call. 

Cold CEO or Warm CEO !!  Someone’s cousin or what a long distance forgotton ….sorry, long lost !!

Hahaha 🤣 

The difference a long distance forgotton cousin. 

A long lost and found cousin? 


Those are nothing but the real man, not boys !! Really ~~

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