

The things you cook, didn't get cook done?

Is that what it is?

You like the art painting.

A lot of girls believing the commercial success or those sleek Corporate looks nice on themselves to the parents and all around. We have a corperate librarian that got to the UB science librarian, did I tell you that, by now he probably retired already.

In other words you won't believe that life you continue to cook, and later you have nothing to rely on, so you prefer yourself to make in the end of life, whichever you are more lucky to meet the guys and to secure that future. A lot of the girls prefer to have their own finance sort.

In one's life, you given thanks to God every meal you pray....remember your own religion to pray at, its because, that is how you always thought about a lot of the current world animals they die in the hunger, not necessary like the human we have the sanitation of the water or the cooler indoor air to live inside.

You give thanks to the farmers, and those whom stood in those longer hours to make it those you never will see them again those venturing the city. To that every crossing stranger you passing it by, you wonder if those are the ADD that stood the longest hours in those night life, so everyone else, has another brighter day that rain or shine. Even my jobs literally didn't have to look at them, but inside staying this IQ brainy on the wireless....


Seeing when your brother all growing it up? They also have the fear and the insecurity?!


Inside your life, you don't really have anyone anymore, because most Capitalism under, their sibling relationship growing will be apart, not like Asia, sometimes they put some closeness, or I don't know ...even this China only had one child policy.

So you saying you willing by your own will to those on the street, just not your own family members, that is how the life one day you realize, with the whole wide world there, you seeing the familiar face only just by few. They might talking to you, left.


You want to do your own prayer? The writing ceremony

And...3 and 4 girls show your high tech last frame at this Lawyer's office "What?"

Make yourself a confession? Its the angle must be straight right, at your face. You really believing it .....

After 40 years old, what you shall wear....


You can just wear nothing....I am telling you.


Divorce: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5LqT2bBa1zs


Sometimes people can just look at the monitor: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8__l8m0GAio

For saying in Chinese how I knew that Square between the "buddy Best friend boy" 哥兩們

Short hair, and cap + your arm around this sitting down guy's shoulder and saying....???!

This would be a threatening the First day, or its the opinionated view he considered, or some human knows the psychology, how I despise the humanity....really. 

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