
Do you check which groups activties are those? Sakura Clear Cards has a several group activties together or that Loving to Cry comic book 愛哭學妹

I think mine might be playing the cards in My Home Youngest

I remember some plot of that. I told Shane I need to lose weight, so I can practically exercise with Nicky or Ronan I think. They are the blonde person, when the guys touching those cards, there is no good whatsoever...really. 

The thing is ....if you are outdoor, you bring a floor mat all together sits?

Mine I remember you know how Annca near by, some guys came, and this guy cannot talk, not possible to talk, very tuttering, he keep pointing at the cards. I am telling you that entire situation with Annca in it, one of the things they were saying what at all in there. 

You can asking them, if that is what they wish to do...you all kind of following through those books, if whichever partnership you were assign to in the end of all this. You didn't have to join the UB this MY FACEBOOK. You don't have your friends whom participate those stories a tiny bit?

... ... someone has to tell me what I am reading its correct. Its your First love, or your First sex you knew what the TV meant? No I have no idea what that is.  That is not what the middle school you are doing in life? 

Westlife - Leaving


So this is about your facebook every single day you staring at someone, you are not hearing me one word I say, you don't need to stare at the TV, anything your story in it, you so sure that is related to your First Love, and what is the matter in your own hand what you gonna do?

Today CNN, there is something Trump says.

I forget it to write it, he says he is not the President anymore!  You don't watching your TV and telling me that while this birds here on my roof? So you are not into the American politics like you used to be, I heard a lot of people are very fanatic in that American every land must be, its their debates or something about "together" they will strive their every human rights, and where are these people, you don't go and sign up your own 5000 names signature survey right now conducting the poll, what you can EVER do with that much of the human power in that American land one day?


Do you want to tell me whom you wish to...torture, she becoming so good at it proclaiming at it? 

The birds say 紀

So this book Ice Skating, that is what it says? You wish were before reading this book or after reading this book, 16 years ago starting or 20 years ago starting? There is a difference, the Compete and Compared?


There is some trips you did in your life?

Where did you go?

You keep those memory, where you gone to the trips in America? Is that the handsome guys like an ABC? Somewhere retreat?

Ronan and his TV wife? Is this a new guy you met?





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