
Do you need to get back to those police first time 10 years ago you called or what...explain the whole thing?

What makes you happy, or the conscious feeling better, you can do so. I personally don't think you need to. That extensive wide open, they have people taking care of the investigation. Like if APO they love to discuss wasting time, being argumentative all the time, getting together, its a leisure time I don't participate...correct.

But if that makes them happy, they should get together, they like each other, or the girls like the guys, but they all get fat. They can talk about how to slim down each other, or they wish each other's health better, or finding that supporting groups. What I say on that facebook, they can process later....or at the same time finding it out.

You are not happy, and you can say the Movie seductive you into believing something unreal

You knew or you know...that is part of the humanity, in yourself. That is not a very nice thing they doing that, so you putting up your complain, all of the UB can. I personally don't have time, that one thing everything I need MY OWN EGOTISM this time, only I care about my IQ how I process things, and since no where to be seen my faces, I don't need to complain anything, really that much.

Sometimes, while you have a VERY big opening of the TV monitors, a lot of the guys will look at the girls, so will the girls look at the guys, your karma can spin very very quickly at any turn of time. Just how they approach you, or inquire you really. 

Each of you are given a monitor, 4 points frame, or you don't need to use my words. Something on the television how you react on it. I am sure they all receiving your writing materials how you explain yourself or how you verbalize yourself, those are fine.

You will probably all say, if you all finding things out like today, you probably will minimize a lot of things you do at the initial costs, but its already done, and gone and pass. You cannot always live in that feeling of "someone doing this on purpose" at you, on you, near by you, all at you. That kinds of the feeling.

Do you find out why? You don't need to tell everyone, your own writing it down. Do you feel better every a year or so, looking at like 5 times. You think about it..?!

You are not happy, like I say. I think you will be happy if you going on the dates, the boys or the girls, someone to talk about things more leaning towards the attraction feeling each other.

You thought about it? 

Right, forget about the movie, if you are not attached to that circumstance you cannot get the date. Does that attract you belief, you can close all that, and just sit in one meal, somewhere to look at a normal life or a few weekend you arrange yourself going on a date with someone?

Or your dad, or your mom going on a date?

Talk about that?

Do you thought about getting married?

Want to ask Adam Levine? How does he acquire those he making it up materials, to whom, and to what set-up, you can try those he suggesting list, WITHOUT overeact? 

Getting to know each other. I have seen a classroom public speaker, a women. Every time they have a problem, someone they will pitch in a solution, or someone helping that causes. It was on the Youtube. They have a networks, so this match-maker, someone might already thinking your character to match a date on?

And you start with that one date?

I don't know how they acquire this material....but they have their methods right.

I tell you mine side. Victoria Secrets


White are dead people

Center Jean Ma Pal (Cancer)??? wait...

Nick's Cousin (Niagara Falls Canada, not near that Niagara Falls-on the Lake)

His mother

Thailand Retreat in Nick's room, next by us. (First time we gone to retreat), his assign roommates. We just be together the first time. Gifts that retreat. He got very very very sick, cannot take one tiny air-conditioning, so we left that meditation staying outside. 

0:22 Grace 

0:28 -0:42 My mother (Debra, I getting initiate, I told my mother 3 kids)

1:26 Montana Lady, she calls, nick on the phone with her. He doesn't shut off, I start to vomit.

1:33 His cousin, has twin girls on the wedding being invited, both Tony and Sorority UT President shows up, they are cousins.

1:51 Center Cindy (contact person Vietanese, her both parents, her mother made a Chinese type of the 包子 similar to the Dream Exchange Game the beginning when the girl arrive hungry the book world inside purchased with a fake money.) - She is not young, her both parents that time already old.

1:59 Its a girl next by Gu, Japanese in the SMTV cooking show, her smallest finger scrap my skin while she fold her blanket right next by me. Immediately I start to shaking, she looks like my father's youngest sister. I run down to find nick. First time we talk or not sure the second time(?) - I recognize whom he is. But I never talk to him. That time someone says, find nick. I got his name from New Jeresey Center contact person, Lynn (Hurts Better Than Loves, she says, do you know nick?!) - that time I am not very very sure what she says, I got to see the Monkey book that retreat. But I assuming it might be the same identical person. (2:08 see the smallest finger?) - She looks like my current neighbor below somewhere....

I freak out when I got back.

2:14  (Do I remember wrong the sequence)

His mother

2:39 His youngest sister, because the audience its their oldest sister from Canada Bell (VS multiple eyes)

2:49 His oldest sister.

2:50 her name is Lilly,= Fanny, she gives me all the SMCH collection she used to have. I ship her kids my mother give me 2 full boxes of junks clothes from Asia. I never wear them. I re-shipping them. To Vancuver, one of those she afriad the karma. I asked her that time SMCH website.

(Remember this is backward time)

That website if from Japan, nick in all those video on that server. That is how I met him the first time. I know whom he is. 

3:07 "I have Come Here to Take You Home", Amazon book. That time only Amazon has these books, they later evolve to the real business. Not then. 2005.

3:22 I think that is the Red River Manga, one eye missing Queen (?)

My left eye got damaged that same year, the only one year I wearing the eye contact. I washing them with the solution, but no more contact anymore after that 2005.

3:40 What is the last time I say about this listing again?

Dean die? 

3:47 Nick was that Race (This American Congress had that paper I wrote 蠻人 they are the mercenary, its a dream)


3:57 - 4:10  Tamang (But that is Rebecca looks, her eye make-up)

4:16  Adam Davis


Taylor Swift Last one = I think its Charmed Prune's bf.

Someone looks like his eyes. Thin. I think he is Terry Before EF going in KY.

Its at Evergreen Summer camp, we were all the Class 3 English. No one can speak English there, a lot of the guys. My listening was bad, especailly...just when I land it that day, for some reason that entire static...it bothers me. That is how Danny, Howard....one more guy + Terry were all in there.

Terry not super tall, probably a little bit shorter than Lee.

uh ...we close, not we dating. I live with another separate room in one quarter sharing the washing sink, their make-up sink. 4 or 5 girls room I think. We get to know each other.


That’s the Oregon guy next to that same Oregon Class 10 girl. (not here)

The Day You Found Out

Wing and Terry gone to fitness, I am not sure how they look like in class no one knows, I never heard or knowing that, similar to nick's 2 shoulder end, but nick because I was with him. I shower him remember?

They two when we say goodbye. I don't remember, their chest.

Yeah, a real bye.

How long nick on the phone = 2 hours ....

He nick with Darryl on the phone = 4 hours, that Babaji dead Prince Persia Body guard, interviewing that Gregg Braden in SMTV, its a him, accountant. Cindy and him are both accountant. 

Whom else on the phone ...?

His sister from Canada, or Italy, Hallo Seasonal holiday, the entire phone card in Indian flea market, there is a way ..."International long distance method toll number call." The Samosa next by store, the real flea market, not the grocery. When we coming back from the Center (Willis)

How long ? 

The entire phone card. 


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