
For example, there is a main melody inside your own music class you will at least by ear knowing on the TV commerical you seeing the last post, that is on the TV commerical. Its a few interval same melody, very easy to memorize.

So you are saying to this original content of the musician or the authorship to this compose music sheet, they have to buy the original music sheet from that original songs. You compose enough the songs, this is just a pop song, you making this left hand sounds like a wave of the almost none moving style to that repeat notes. Because when you compose this memorize presentation in the public, you almost say you trying to simply that process, because you re-made that song. Its just a pop song. It sounds a lot of the embellish things, its not. Its the same repeat the same things. 

You change that octet meaning the different position of the piano session, so in the visual point in that big light such as almost identical to the airport or the terminal or the shopping mall or the train station. These are the independent artists.

The octet means the shifting or the shiftment of that 8 notes in the section or the segament of every 8 notes, so saying every 8 notes of changing that shifting your hands.

"Are they math?"

"... If you mean the music book in Obama NSYNC those music theory 樂理 to get on your examination mock up the middle school Music Academia, there are notation how you imagine those theory come along. A more elaborate process. Correct, that is almost ALL I EVER SEE, its that Obama showing up in that seat. Because it was a nervous situation, I was short yet? 6th grade to 7th grade. Not the Math nervous, its more of the examination public like that nervous.  My Go game tournament sometimes are like that, when we get out of the association Queen of My Heart from Westlife, not the association indoor, you know janitor, or your best friends parents. You transpassing the front desk and the janitor behind for the green apple milks. A paper made of the kid beverage. "

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