
For example, 舉例來說

The current PC mouse we had in Taiwan has this battery to buy for saying the wireless, and its very easy to go off. 現在台灣的小老鼠電腦是需要電池的,假如說無線地情況,非常容易沒電 !

An example of such could be you have a team, you have a very short span of time, before anyone personality conflict, most people that is not how people doing it on purpose to trigger everyone in the same space and time. Tidy up your toes or nails, or trash can with another guy, opposite sex, the bf or the gf. 

一個例子假設如果是一個團隊,你只有很短的時間相處,因為個人個性問題的 conflicts, 大部分的人不是因為某種天時地利人和的 trigger, 清理裡自己的房子房間,或是垃圾桶,或是跟另外一個男孩子,或是男女朋友。 


You saying you prepare the meals in that limited grocery, but you know how to mobile, or then you buddy with some team works, because you only knew a few faces, and everyone + the new people have to work together in that same space. That is what i remember "The Love of Century".

你在討論一個狀況再準備自己的餐點,一個很狹小的買東西的城市大概,但是你知道你們的穿越或是動起來,或是你跟哪種人一起團體做事情,因為你只見過幾個面孔,或是很多人或是新的人一起工作再一起的時間空間,那是我記得的 『The Love of Century』

You taken its the rusty place to those very hot like the hell Hunger Realm. Well...let's just use that if someone given a more mild situation than that. You have the table, library, small office, the living quarter, just the couple going in, the side by side, the people you go and approach to working some of that "communication issue", not the love and affair situation.




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