
你們喜歡做什麼個人影片,做過沒有? Have you edit a video, your own personal video?

 家人、團體還是那種 IPad 會有那種照片回顧 ! 

Family, or groups, IPad has that kinds of the pictures recall.

你們最喜歡的音樂類似那種有點漫畫那種 thriller 是吧 ? 愛情的

What you all love the most the music side its those comic manga book of those thirller type? Romance.

敘述你們自己? 而且你們是看過漫畫的~我大概只可能知道亞洲是,我不太清楚外國是不是!

Story of yourself? And you are already reading through the comic book ~ I probably know about that in Asia, I am not sure about the all other Western countries world.

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