
How about let the Black Ops took over this case, to cross the stream....angel sings them.

You like Tina, those music girls, but Tina like the man I think, with the girls best friends, because she needs the guy, she is best friends, holding hand I have not seen it that clear. You forever like the guys, that kind.

The music type of them....

How come they the birds becoming so loud and clear words "Ronan"? I think the birds say his wife name is Storm. 

I think might be Olivia' height, my lab partner with the MIT UB professor.

Fatima's liking engineer on that crying phone its someone looks like Wing, or Lanh those short guy, even have some family dark wood furniture or some IKea light too. He does Christmas those Home alone side outside and passing it by Church outside, seeing those wall below those mimmic things.

You like Tamang those Asia guy, that height or...its by the money, and they all loving this brunette? Wing is off...?!

No, Wing is a guy. I think Wing stays like a real guy, just that kind of the height.


But you would wish Wing getting Tina?! Why is that?  No he cannot get Tina, we are the ROC side. He is ...a civilian.  I am not sure what he is.


Him to NYC its ending at Oxford, the geography.

You which Texas or Florida to NYC would be?  FRIEND Vermont hotel, its the Russ, the Mark guys again?  Which Mark? 

Red hair, like Dr. Steven Hairfield, not that Dr. Steven, or exactly him? He is like Mark, fallen behind on the ground so Its an older guy? I think he was just a Ph.D the time when I was on the facebook having him on the SMTV to my facebook, you click my dress that pale green one would be Simon they see it on the AGT.

The photo art on that Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes at the Library Congress.

He is very tall, Dean. I think both him and Dr. Gabriel, are SUPER tall.


"How about I suggest you that X Man Past Future that girl, she is one Chinese side of the actress too. If you change, not the brunette, you have the real money issue. "

Her name is: 范冰冰

Fang Bing Bing. She has some issues on the newspaper. 

2018年涉及娛樂圈稅務事件,10月3日中國國家稅務總局指案件事實已經查清,范冰冰需要繳納共計8.8億餘人民幣的漏稅金、滯納金和罰款,繳納後可免刑事責任[4][5]。 2020年1月,因武漢疫情,向武漢慈善總會捐款50萬元。

The birds say "咕咕咕" - the youngest princess, their birthday to nick's sister 2 to 2, both Dec 4th or 6th. Its very very strange. Very.

You want that Italian brunette, that motivated, to the Lords of that Gold Ring?  And whom that target supposes to be? That youth guy in LST ?

Victoria Secret - Ellen Goulden

That golden ring? 3:40

Sorry, I mistaken, that is a necklace, that time I keep thinking they all magically involved inside their brain. I only remember its a gold round thing.


The girl before the blonde, that is Connie's position in Paris VS. The Blue necklace.



Erin = model's name after her = Erin my side nurse and Carla both are the nurses. RN at least the University paper.

The birds meant, that is the position you want?  Connie is very very tall.

I would think Director like one type of the girls.

Twice on that VS, I seeing that position with my uncle. Maybe similar to Storm.

2:55 (Weekend, by Hank looking guy singing)


You Dean makes them feel....behind, the girls wish you go and Handling that Asian Rich kids, for some reason its you all in contact, or they all loving you never stop. Its the height or the guys thing, or something professionalism included. You gonna go on your new case on the witness program still, or a more happy flare, a lot more happy in your life, without one trace of them the past. But they got curious ....

That guy,

Black Ops first handed dealing Open Galaxy, that old guy. Give me shit that guy. He is not that gold, but he has a position. He speaks other than English language. Might be Parsil tongue.

Its ...Reptilian says. He often only speaking their language when my bathroom light off, I just go in and got off, that kind saying.

Reptilian are older, correct. 

But they are afraid of that one guy / man. Some more evolve older human are more mild I think.

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