
I actually don't know where you all getting your material from ...really. Is that anything to do with the Pets?

You tell them, no more materials like that, you kill all of them because we cannot solve this smell issue until when the world will invent that methods. Between these animal kingdom and the striving for the human civilization. A lot of people doing this very very foolish things with any of you. I understand you are raining outside under the cover, that is every min, even I cannot live in that sandy storm. And everything you trying to say, it will always be your agenda, and that hurting everyone all around.

Because 1) the nail on your toes, itsn't carefully cut.

2) The hygenic was not paying attention, the human host has every his priority than you are.

3) Its by per vibration of his breathing, you know your owner its not the patient people.

4) Its probably less risky to say the business, because you also need to live under this roof. But this kind of the human civilization and the animal saying, its really really not you meant it, it will always be "the rain drop dew on your face too cold or too hot," you really wish you have every hour intake food just like the human mind knowing which clock of the fridge its the free opens. You can get a shelter but you refuse that. 

5) You go and argue with the ET or the sky or the white cloud. When they saying you...have a mood right on my roof, you are just relectantly having a choice doing all that. 


I am the synthetical human, not Zawanna. All the disinfect nature of all the spray, there is a reason how they disinfect the whole sparkless environment. Today I have like my mother did what having the ants on the table, your fate will die. You living on my water bucket, I washing them the lid, or the heating device.

You start wanting to get your right, that is without saying I know that. Your internal structure were everything I written about.  You literally saying we are the same equal right human every step the way.

You are so capable, get up and open your mouth to every word you possible saying it clear. 

Its K1 - K12 education same in-line human comprehensive. 

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