
I need to lay down 10 mins.

I didn't flip my heart out of it ...I cannot understand a word you say like that.

Yeah, they I think the girls or the guys, if they are involved to each other need to pass through the local court, and like I told them one of those best things to do its get to that North East Edge of that commute routes to the Washington D.C and Survey those (TV: I am not the shopping freak) 5000 signature, similar to Legally Blonde 2, but I think this is one of those political idea where some people have done that personally, meaning bring a partition to hear the case.

I did give them the flow charts. 

But I didn't say that is exactly what I say, and 5000 x 2 time or 3 time factors to receive the current American politics set laws. So if they arrive to the D.C, their main goal its to enter upon the Supreme Court Justice over all this lawsuit. I personally saying all that. I given them all that steps. Because their attitude its bad, or their mother or father's puppet, so I never brought that up again. If they would have found out that process its how the established worlds, they would have be more mild, and courtesy, and polite to the local Judge, or including the lawyer, or the UB law side, any one. I am not sure what happened. I am the only person knew all that, although I am the only person saying all that because its base upon the TV in front of me.

If they would have learn that the very first day....

None of all that since they gonna give up quick. Those words never spoken again why any efforts to propel a lawful citizen idea especially those American world are so pompeyo to these activities, they are. And if they change their attitude including the literacy to bring about the points as themselves, never those Lalla debut, they love that American politics, could bring them what opportunities, or striving for those working equality opportunities, are all present themselves if they "proper conduct to seek a problem solving method." 

And because they are neither



Probably, I was always the hymm to the Sea, the lowest string of the cello....low pitch thread going through under the Moon. I remember what Zawanna they sing. The church those sacred songs.

Those native, or New Age, they can arrive. They can be encouraged, and still preserved at this time. Not wealthy, not successful, but its everything they want the humility running deep. If they continue that attitude, or some are exhibit those tiny trait and be found by the Judge of any kind, they will all end up inside the jail. Because...

Someone whom know the chance be given ...They didn't know what is every word I Anna say. The civil class, the civil proceeding methods, the civil all equal quality of life, they can guarantee you, as long as you take them hand. 

One time I said ...I feel ...

I was true to my words, I am not sure they know how to put in an English writing style to argue a case. I thought I was day dream myself, so for several weeks, I keep repeating of a certain thing including CNN pitch some of them, and so I say no more. I put in a different language saying it.

Right ...

As the days go by, to when I starting saying that, I think it might 100 x worse. That time I say they will all taken the arbitrary because they need the money.  That is not 10 x worse. Its 100x.

I probably cannot take that, because they are the honor class students. 

So I couldn't breath. Not breath in my room. 

I probably try to look normal everything, every word, every proper idea to give them all free. But they are lazy, and dirty, and short, and their brain are more left brain. They are the second generation of the immigrant family, so they similar to Dr. Bing's daughter, they have no friends. 

I didn't have time to say those 4 Heavenly King, the way I look from Taiwan to Ireland, I can turn my head, not that I know what is that. But they all seem to have all around the friends that they can bring about their points, those people. They talk, they happy, they group other people. 

Imagine, I am leaning to my wall the longest staring at the American side. Not the purple balloon to the purple Earth, saying the flying over. But ....I guess that tone is lost in the space over the sea, the moonlight on the Top, are the starry starry light, crossing the 2 shores thousand miles apart.

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