
I tell you what I think I remember the court room both the movie or the TV, supposed to be like ....2 Judge 2, against each other to talking to the Judge.

To argue a point to the case you want to bring a success rate over this monitization schemes. Right? Last time I say you mean the movie position / title or the movie content. 

You start to get a sense because I Anna comes to the public over this no more secret on my lawsuit, you start to believing something totally differently. I know you are, most people probably in the greyish area, what was I saying about it. You got into the blurry zone, because you can tell, or you compare or you trying to approach others how to compete and compare their own lawsuit content, and brings a togetherness, and imagine that was not the UB group activities. 

Your agenda how to 2 diverge points of you and me = totally different foot taping the water cases. Just reading you yourself, and if you continue reading mine, saying 10 case per day re-processing all that, you cannot breath on your own. 

You wonder why 2 cases are the different nature.

So as the time goes by, my number of the lawsuit of the case quota, becoming more and more it was not starting the first lawsuit, its 620 lawsuit. You start to moving your head in a totally different space, you get the number wrong, you get the money wrong, you get the exact points of the views wrong. 

So every time you going back to your own lawsuit, you can put a pen above the lip at the nose under, you playing your pen at your nose below, sit on the desk or the table, trying to "striving the best next time", but there is no guidance, if someone could just doing yourself a bidding.

You thought about a lot of things.

You did.

You really wish right now its someone bid on you. That is not what happened. Its your nose with that pencil, or pen, how to make more lip below it, playing that naughty makes a touch of that writing sounds more appealing.

Just alone, this one point "you yourself cannot proceeding yourself the lawsuit content in your writing style." you just spent more time alone, and trying to go away those facebook your friends, and all that indoor, you...just waiting or hoping someone will bid on you soon, this all the future time someone will do a justice for you.

Its the money you guess....its suppose to know, they are wrong wrong wrong.

Pointing the faults, how soon they will get it done without you yourself continue your own lawsuit, you wondered.

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