
I think being with a guy, of that 8 billions people, or 2 or 3, its a SUPER big deal IN ONE HUMAN life, really.....One date its a dinner date = SUPER Nova big deal.

You should see a therapist, really

Talking normal, passing by normal. Understand those business words normal. A normal household its the guy does the guy things, the girl does the girls things. In our society, the guy often a lot more superior than the girl's financial reason, you need to keep your faces and the body shape.

Like my exercise plan, how many times I was telling EVERYONE, its not losing the weight down, I feel hungry and I felt sleepy too....what I gonna do?

Eat and digest !

I never be with a normal guy for as long as I EVER remembered, you saying with the father and the mother in-law situation ...let me remembered, how Tina and Hank's conversation its how to set up a conversation before they come. I bought Hank's parents Costco Roses I think....

Its a card I used.

If the guys does the house chore, and you imagine that is a laundry Tina does, washer and the dryers in the rental places, she has to wet floor those mops the floor stick? You know....some girls can never imagine that one year pass, 2 year becomes, because Hank implies he got some other options, really.

So all of your phone its your own options to where should be, how to be, when to be, including...hidden behind. I wonder what was on my phone?!

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