
I think within the boybands. The SA, or just each individual boybands.

It could be the girls too. But while the boys also wish to get on "getting married" to each other like the Bible fantasy, you could all going forward just to ask that one guy, or the

A girl asking the guy

The guy ask the guy on the dating sometimes until this sort.

I am not getting married type. Not really. I born like that. Me and Nicky that is me and Nicky. I understood that part. But you all have the issues, and I told you today. A lot of that, or some of that.

But if its the first thing I highlight, you pop the question at the guy. He doesn't even know its the girl asking the guy. You say the marriage proposal its the American citizen idea, so the property of course no pre-nup on your parts, its all on my side part, because that is Dean's neck on the passport without a lost, he hang on his neck inside his t-shirt.

Anna says.

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