
I told you, you really really really need that boy or guy to return your phone calls.

It really really really means to you.

For the longest time, that one person calling you.

The height like you, no one wants. He is short too Asian. The twist and turn guys means, whenever he calls, you will always pick up the phone Every Single Time. That is a lot of those...not fitting the guy does things. He knows you got no family, not even one person generate to feel like the family cuddling holiday festivity. Imagine you are alone, but you got a house....most girls don't get. And he got his entire immigration family for the holiday.

I don't think he makes you part of that family as....an icon thing. But I am sure the engineering side of some human, just work related means to you. Not even that close saying.

The spare parts ....

Really. Just like it sounds.

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