
I would say to Nicky (or Shane), I am tooooo tense over those "the laws side of some of these arguments" we never talked about it, but I update you all those info, right here on this right side column.

So while I am listening to any of your song, like this morning playlist, I am still very wozzy inside my own brain to what I should say to Nick Canada side, becasue he cannot watch that film right now. I stuck. I stuck because....he used to do some laws. I cannot related that Sailor Moon North pole, that is every choking feeling I cannot talk out, but I think he is just temporarily hearing enough knowing I am busy over here.

I didn't hear that intensive any music sound, too many things, you saying...if I really just forgotton the argument, and hop on your own touring schedule, I don't think that is the case, yet.

But I understood you trying to pitch in. If you want, you can put that next slide in.

Okay they are asking me science ....yesterday?! I say under the American Congress or that division under from the executive Orderly Order that assembly crowd under, there is a legal name, "Educational Department". I know in our country here like if I going forward with my work in RNA/ DNA bio here, oh ~ The China side might knowing each other's department for the education its always the cultural exchange. We have the Taiwan student going to China university too. 

I think its you guys American that side, someone eating a lunch with you. Or dinner. I have no idea they are talking to me, or talking to you. Something on the American side I think that is what I understand. 

It says someone has a concert on your side

There is a cooked fried food on your side. Meaning you all cooking?

I am on the middle side, that is not in English, its a....pastry/ bread? Yours are the sticks chicken fried things.

Your side has a movie, "American born Chinese" trailer (2023)

Mine is ....30 embroidary sewing machine I guess by hands, these....I be happy doing this, or they be happy to be the ABC Queen? How Sweet !

I think it means someone has a plan for you all that side. In American side. Do you watch those Disney Broadway show, is that what it means, the tickets to? Aladdin and the Beauty & the Beast.

There is a King Charles III shows up and this Ep 35 some crisis at ...us me and Lee side. We don't know what it is. Zawanna left that company, one person leaving.

Something coffee shop to go and eat, pizza, snacks or dessert, BBQ mongolian, Japanese curry.


Whom am I gonna go with? My regent lasting that Music, Commander-in-Chef, because....technically there is a business side. Not sure. For now might be Nicky, I am coming it down, garbage.



One day it will be Kian, one of those, he is right next by Nicky. I am telling you, everything that Facebook you don't read. I keep seeing him the last whole week !!!! But the facebook says Mark, cannot you see? 

I don't really know.  There is a Slam Dunk issue. They told me, they did. Its in that TV shows. Its on the wall. No one knows whom gonna calling upward those High Tech voice control I guess.

There is something about German. 

I don't really know what they say. No, I am not moving, its you guys whom are moving?!


And you all going on hiking? Mountain travel? Where?

Something about your brother:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W3OrT2GXFI

Somewhere to go and eat, or dining at.

With the dad?!

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