
"If Wing gonna take you down Tonight, or vice versa were you are hiding never doing anything one thing. After you zombie gone, its me one of all these girls pushing that Asian Wing out if like Anna instruct every road and Dr. T with his wife didn't lie inside their mutual office space, SAY IT. Is Dr. Ester on your monitor is last name like Anna wasn't got lied to? What is the FULL building blown up?!"

"Not all of US, its all of THEM, and next facing UP Wing will NEVER be the hope of the beacon like YOU?"

"Answer me, SAY IT?"

"I am thinking one thousand thing, and one of the things Anna says will NEVER be this one plan, she wrote out for EVERY single girl us to this line."

"You will be sitting over there, talking normal with your NEW perfect world tell me one thing Anna will tell Wing to write it down, which things it you talkinig normal to every kinds of your too perfect future, but not the past, and that would be a hide out, when we will find our exit becasue you are irresponsible for the rest of your life to that 50 state medical liscence board no one does a thing in the investigation !!! Its becasue you fear, or its becasue you imagine....no one behind knows all this time. "

"Explain to me Fatima is, or you know you are implicated at, everything Anna used to say at all that can ever happen to the UB Honor Class."

"Say it!"

"Tell me a description, when we all girls perished, including however Anna forces to the other side to starting this Edge of Tomorrow, and we are known this behind in the shadowy of our spirits, because there is no more Hope....you will be against to lean on one side of the wall sad in your eyes, were to whom you are sad tears inside your eyes? Any of this movie given say, or Anna gonna make it up all this statement once again, these are the real ET classified materials, we are the mummy, we will not make your the zombie, to imagine if...what is the next line? "

"How do I spell if?"

"How do I draw a f on the poker card?"

"Were you there with Jonathon and Tamang and Anna at the poker games inside his house?"

"Anna says she was vomiting because of that one tamang in the bathroom, so you married? You have the kids, or you trying to hide away all that, you never have one patience care in your life or brain, that will be the disastrous exactly 50 years later the Good Will Hunting, Anna keep saying the keyword, you keep leaning on the wall with the cap,....to tear. On Whom again, I am asking you again? Say it?"

"Therefore, against us, you didn't care one human being's life missing, not one life, its ought to be exactly like the TV, and you lost your consciousness on that leaning wall with a cap, because it just happened, they don't know, she doesn't solve yet barring outside the wall, and WE cannot know because if we are the zombie and DEAD, you are what? The beacon of the HOPE?"

"What happened to your car?"

"Say it. We won't judge, we want to know. "

"Tell me, Anna says this is the walking free trial, isn't it? Walking over my dead body, us against the world, all of us, except she were the villain, you are the beacon hope leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes and a cap. Tell me she is wrong what we imagine to see, you lost your consciousness inside your eyes. "

"Tell me the victimized side of that Thranduil to everything else she represents in her tones of the language...."

"Someone TOOK your roles."

"Next question - Anna has all this flower in the Pinterest yellow down."

"Whom is behind this classify issue, because we might gold ourselves without the Black Ops?"

"What did you do man? What did you do?"

"You ever tell someone one person in this world at all? "

"One person !!!"

"There is an ukraine war. Tell us, its all of us against me feeling like all over again. What she mean that 

              'Its the family emergency, please respect our privacy.'

                             Simon dead zone on if he has a heart. "

"Are you a real doctor or the human error? Because none of us can get told you are not the real doctor, or you are part of the us leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes, until all dead, you are still lean to the wall without the day night before 11 oclock. "

"You know what my comment really were, you shouldn't just be dead ."

"You will be dead in thousand pieces!!!" How she makes you feel.....but you got a secret to hide. She wasn't the first immediately conscious about it but everyone met you knows your voice its wrong. Its one indicator, the first the most visible indicator.

UB 250 URL sent out on Mike or Keegan's webpage our UB full load....what did you do man? What did you do? Its your monitization against us, or its against them all?


"Its that the Starry night her Geo department video on money or the vision when she felt /feels down? I speaking the English now."

"The first or the last one to go? On your too free pen, say it. "

"Tell me if that Mark is mocking you?! They done it on purpose?"

"Its all of us walking free cases, or just you foremost first one to eyeing on it?! Really~~~I don't even know, what she never sings about it!!!"

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