
Mahavatar Babaji wants to talk about his website....and that Indian 500 years old, MB through a women messenger, my service is no long needed, so I am talking to him straight.

He says,"How is Thor?"

I say, "You are all hostile to me, what can I do for you today?"

He says his website this week the second time. What does that mean?

cannot. Just cannot.

That Indian 500 years somewhere attached to his website, fainted out that feeling, its less intense than his voice (MB), so probably doesn't require.


So what does that suppose to mean? Its at my admin. 

(key in tag words)

He speaking in a different language? 

How about you figure that one out, seriously !!!!



I think you start standing like you stand.

Sit like you sitting in a group meal.

Talk like you know how to literally opening up your mouth.

Speaking English so on one Earth, we all knowing your prayers to one Mahavatar Babaji?  

You don't have a manner, you don't have a logic, you don't have knowledge, you don't have a professional attire, you keep insist in this fashion Paris worlds, its forever humility running deep.

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