

Babaji: Go

I forget to tell you girls, some people in order to move to a new world, a new place, or landing to a stranger land, it doesn't matter you know that land or a brand new world, because that is an assignment....you saying how far you willing to land there, and by that forcing situation to stay there long enough without getting this complain A or B or C, one of those, how God makes life all fair or justice.....

There is a sense, why that is being said, really.

You want to train the guys, you don't even know whom that is. (Tina Jojo's language always saying that)

Yous saying what words to him, or any story of him? You go and find out his life or something like that? How come you don't try to find out my life? OU means, not one human race on that passing land were? And why that matters? Starting something new?

You didn't promise your Lords at this time, you saying the rest of the eternity, you got a glimpse of that you might have a quiet time, you say you redeem your sin....one of those eternal vow. How long the journey to reach....then there is a public TV announcement to you, or anyone around, all to this prophecy, you say...its just another directional purpose. 

You are very attached to his past, or manipulate his past. Why don't you make things more solid on the financial part and the interior design, or the food on the plate. I mean perfect, he has 3 meals, to go out and fight over his opinion of views. Every so often those intersession of the in between talk, "Here is your nuts, and water, and bags. These are the kids beverage, some for your friends, new or old. "

"I just finish the stocking on the way back or coming here. These are in the trunk, I put a box in your own car, you coming out, you can drink some."

Do you listen to every routine I say, make that world real?

Hydrate statue, their brain to go on their language, I am mute. I didn't learn Italian, really....Its a music dictionary before I met him.

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