
No, not the gun things, we don't need to go to America. uh....UB doesn't need to participate the group activities; they go to jail, or the youth finds out that missing group activites delay them 40 years, they kill them or jail them.

They do every excuse in any type of their works, find a way, get rid of all of them.

Those youth are like that.

American pulling out those Florida Disney groups, no....I don't need to file anymore right now. uh...I might sue them a little bit, just asking them some question, or I would tell them a certain thing. Sariputra and Tim Cook Future has that monitor.

They ask whom?

I say Sariputra. Its him Sariputra.

Then if they ask me what I need. I say its a real situation, like you all did. Scrap someone's face that kind, me.

Ireland, to England. You know that situation so I only give you some lawsuit not that I don't know why I need that money, but he will see that in the monitor. You can just tell me....because what I am going to do with the parents group in my here Town. I will tell them to do that L LLL lawsuit at each other. They are too busy not with the kids.

They go to the court to waging wars like they used to do in 2010.

Shen's family that building above first floor, somewhere its also those small tiny human their family sibling doing those things. Its the real fight at the court. The family inheritance, its very very rough with those people, screaming each other, bad attitude.

...You say you take down China the moment I was born. Everything nothing but me.

So this is the lie when she wants to file the claim, you all let me win a bit, there is a system if she is smart, she stopped, its everything legal at the court before they operate. Its one thing to save you yourself.

Everything after Obama is ruined, and destroyed, best, that is how UB disappear.

Everything he touches.

All after, she just be told like that, or the whole world does.

You all doing that on purpose, American with my power and my name.

Its 193 country bow, kneel, flat forever and eternal, any voice, kill and torture, every wish I am saying so. That will be UB all of them inside the bermuda.  Every hidden things America, you saying so. The day finish when I was born, til when I descend you promises.....

I want the cruelty methods, love touching face to every heart bleed inside, to drain down on the wall....I am saying so 5 Lords reviews, they insist never bow kneel flat.  Fuck in front of them.


I mean the crulest, a kiss.

Just a public kisses...Lalla. Tony Robbin.

Tamang in front of it. 

Tight up. Half nake.

Tell me everything I was wrong, proven I was wrong....SMCH included, wasting one second my purpose here....you all will pay with that Sariputra, you playing behind hands. Its you imagine 193, or you say one America.

Say it.

Sign, today is the say?

There is one guy on purpose today on CNN, saying? Prince William.

One million Melinda beat up faces....you don't need the head right?

I want a whip. Singapore, SMCH. You will put your black hair back.

It will be very very excutiating all your licking monks on your faces per lips saying....I say precept, you say games.

Show up head monks.

Every face X scarf...its just a warning.

Dismiss all lawsuit today, all pay til peniless, America, all those fileing statues.

All penniless.

Its funny, isn't it.

Prince Harry, England today....how far you will go Prince william father mother no more cloth, that every penny cold int he darkness, live on.

I saying so.

Every penny in my account.


Say it.


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