
No wonder, what so big small thing onto the Cinderella, Menton is not a thing, that Albert II, why I have to be stain next by it, you say?

Its all your legal paper, where the dream comes true?! Like I told them yesterday, to process side by side on your table, one side left its Washington D.C Protest (your indignious cultural people) + Your Royal Blood examination (Movie Content position or the Movie Content itself) 

(Birds say its near by, not stain by, that Menton King/Prince that time) 

Can you shut up?! About National what, not treasure or building stuffs.

You process the left side profile   |     Right side profile (local court)

You wish to take your left side profile (the stacks of them), to DC North East finding a fratenity house, for everyone to live in. Your family, your ex bf, or any celebrity whom wish you to be this Princess, that is what you are saying?

By your own efforts, you getting the advocacy talking to people, communicate with others, finding the connection, making a phone call all the time, to get to the afternoon or the evening meeting. There isn't that much difference the idea how they told you in the movie, but most people today, nowadays, they are blind, or they don't have a creativity, to go near by any...you saying why anyone will see you other than the security in the DC area, having you waiting for someone.

You are making a partition bill, or seeing that legal process how to get it done. When you having a look, some supports the big nice photo, the perfect guy, you need to move in those relationship statue of someone powerful, for saying that one bill to make it in the DC. That is when you combine your own girl's power for that one side the lawsuit to fruition. That entire process its you probably need to get the financer, or you yourself the financer, to that legal process you finding the help, or you go observing the process, and getting the help, getting educated how people doing all that and you meet with those

Whom by the way don't know your pile of stuffs inside that folder.

But you might capable to ask out that person their agenda, because most people need other people to help them. You didn't have to tell them on the first sight. You are saying the indiginious cultural exchange, more medicine, more vaccination, more English camps, including you yourself as part of that culture, you wish some of the minority can be taking care of. 

What you really wish would be: Some medicine, some match-maker, some policy exchange that the public hygenic, the public water sewage built, to bringing the average income in that small edge around world a little bit Western world ideology and a better standard of life. Happy, content, and having their own family.

But I can tell you, something strange how these people response to you.

Either you are TOO big of mouth, you are saying the right hand side of the local court file. I say the LEFT hand side of those file. You leave that Right hand side local UB file at the UB fantasy local court they find out if they are the princess or prince to that owning rightful land.

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