
Remember the crown, its those draping beas in front of it. Not real.

Not really.

Its the interface between you and me

Wing and those symdrone human song, he or she coming out of that.

Not crystal, no.

Why you want to know the real things anyway, tell me? 5 Lords Reviews? With the inheritage saying, and not to lose 193 countries faces.....Even Prince Charles knows his own arguments, funny....his own tradition he imagine he has any his mother nun Movie Side by Side title. The Tiffany breakfast?! I am reading a history I cannot be related to, you saying someone sorting the movie since 1928 Keanu Reeves, not the Micky Mouse, someone your kinds would have make that an arguement right?

That is Ronan Keating video, they failed...without a jailing record, yet.

He has no IQ for saying every degree I less say, its not ONE thing school information, just copy and paste a teacher or book say, its their memory to love love love kisses so much entwine......

Why CA I have to switch 4 houses, American? And you doing it on purpose to nicky' position? 

Or anything else I don't know on Britney's video, or you trying to help but what you really do, its in the end you help, not before. The national policy and egotism, its every classify gates burnt, you find out or you don't..

Nicky, you are more happy.

Are you on your facebook?


This Micky Mouse way, how many ways to start or finish your first eternity after you dead, you understand?

Every human doesn't show up by tomorrow morning, this keep wounding me 2014 its OU, never ended.....You could just opening up your mouth right in front of me that time, not to keep hurting me internal.

All the way....one year 2014.


Tell me what happened that year Obama?


I  meant it how to scrap someone's faces ...America....its every degree I saying so.

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