
Same to the pre-med. Anatomy and Physiology its just a pre-med 2 courses separates? I don't even have a word to begin what I think, I am pre-Pharm and I never took the physiology

I have the middle school health / nutrition class and biology?

You telling me to make it up all those Live Cure stuffs during those year why or how my thought takes on per act I did, per things I bought, per degree why or how things end up like that? That is the only thing I am telling you about. Correct. But you have other specific medicine field people can hear about it. The brain I read a book opening that book....he talks about myelin?

You can have a neuron (in the brain, what are the synaptic? ) - the Orange juice in the morning !  I personally probably will only go with the America local mass distribution, it is orange, the California orange. Everyone knows that. 

If I am gaining weight, that is also a fitness session all by itself

The journey or the diary. You systematic given a clear picture for the audience. Most time you are telling a story, how does the audience process that story. You starting to gaining the weight, why or how, a real story. A clear heard things to the audience. They are not guessing.

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