
That is gonna be nasty, if those are the Top dagger its which generation bracket? I think I heard would be....are they family blood down? Both. You have both.

That is what I heard.

I personally don't want that curses, oh ~ I am that type! I can go without a title you imagine that means so much to me. You go to a world, or every kinds, and you respects their laws. If I have to force to those TOO big of open gate, I will tell the public, I go on retreat. Until the Clouds and the Sky, you all looking at it....and these birds roof don't shut up, the entire building outside starting the 1st floor are ringing to the season sun melody...one time. The ENTIRE building echo on the birds sounding. That is what the Kail they told you they are doing in the book.

That is the only way doing it, I am telling you. But I don't think.....you meant the Royal as the Upper class, not as the priesthood Kingship, those. You will tell them its the Church and the State separation. 

You know how that Princess of Diary, you have to show up and participate at the Parliament, not just shut up those talks hash hash. You do what I tell NASA those threatening air on the Linkedin, as if you knew exactly what your school you gone to. Even just side by, glue by, near by, breathing by. That is the only way I think you should be doing all that. I highly doubt you trying to look nice that day, those outfit on the Party occasion. 

I would take some of that Honorable Superior ending results say anything with it. Not necessarily Royal, because...I am not even sure the First life, what did they say. Royal are the Yellow means.

There is a 10th, and 11th in Black. He or she has a name. There is a little bit description what happened there. I don't think my evolution has anything of that anymore, I would be toooooo scared over that curses say on the monitor. There is a curse and paying back things say.

uh...I make my money, I go with that. Its a fame. Its more than enough give me some authority to talk like that, and cut through a lot of things, just to get things done. That is a name. 

If Babaji says that name is his frirend, yeah, I give it back to him. They just have a script and a play, I need a string to swing up to get all things done, I think I pack enough what I need the money this one life. I prepare for other people because we have this...too close issue I am seeing in my monitor, the inner vision.

So ...if okay, I got it what Nicky says. The money, them?! Zawanna says no. So just wait. The wall says no above the Citi. Anyone knows whom did that? You know...when you love someone not to get to the hell including you could die on the street so that afterlife you realize, the first thing you close your eyes passing on, that is one thing about whom they were, if you think clearly inside their brain. That is all the quiet time will getting quieter. 



There is a bad situation on the Connie, its a ghost patent left that house on Nick, Cooper's fall that one, its called the riverdale. And it has something her showing up at Erin's side of life. I have no idea what it means, until someone told me clearly. Its bad enough, don't make Tesla do that, you mean that is what things taken off the Patent. Its exactly like the patent ! 

Some authority needs to tell me, when....I related some words and phrase. None of per words I say, or going forward some statement if you ask me, I will say stop. 

Stop, stop stop.

There are things we talk about it first.

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