
That is a kind of shadowing ...in America saying. When I say assembly, that is not one room.

Well, might be just a room, we all standing to get yell at. If that is what the end of all that saying it. 


I already don't care about the guy, it will NEVER be this much cared for the capentry in the coldness, how this freezing winter foggy the morning dew smell fresh...how the guy inside their brain IQ = zero, like I often say, I give my attitude the very first thing.


Don't bother talking to me, really. I am from the metropolitan, I live in the City life here Asia, we have the prosperity without the Black like the New York City. Its a metropolitan world I ever knew. Not that !



The Car, I ask Shane.

There must be a something they always have to say their Westlife its a company logo, and all that in the end of day, why don't you just say which car brand?

Music, no. Not right now. I show you what I intend to do. That is the only thing I see why its worth to do. Whatever I have done. Those are the standard. Starting your music literacy or the music theory. Everything else I really don't care about it.

There are 5-10 to 20 human, why don't they just buddy together however they know each other, and cover my eye sight, I don't want to see, hear, know....whichever the world they are coming it from. I don't care about it.

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