
That is one of the song I heard before

You know, when my brother was here....the guys like him or those free bound human, they doing this fitness in life, and be happy outside outting I think.  There are some population are like that, the tea house, the coffee shop, some kinds of the environment they get together to have the tea, many several friends sitting there to chat. 

I don't think you all UB should live that life. 

I was, not you all sitting in the middle of the entire world zone, there is only you exist. That was me. You walking by the store, and looking at the sign on their say, you looking at everywhere how these design of the City, and including the movie you know they are the classify material. You don't want to treat any of those information as the classify saying. You wish you are always right, remember?

You wish there is a justice how they treat you?

You wish there isn't anything for other people's pocket, through those New field being created and everyone becoming target at your wrong, wrong wrong either in the character or in the practice or in the thinking, or in knowing you...because there are other people side by? You wish to know if they are the classify people and they are doing it on purpose.



The Classify world, those whom knew that....they know what they look like, sound like, capable to literally sound also on the ground to that legal side? Save themselves when they can? You? Tell me what is inside your brain to end up like that on the television really. 

Many classify people's literacy isn't that low. Meaning capable to bring out many points so that something can be done, something can be heard, something can process, and in all that process, standing outside me how in the world there is I exist right then back then?

I know why?

I live without the facebook remember? You cannot live without the facebook okay ! When I get down 2020, I thought about these fearful feeling about several people like you all finding me behind to that Twitter, for some reason, or I starting missing that thought I have a facebook, where everyone ends up?

That life was lonely okay? 

When this world given you a point of reference online, including the usage of the social media, it will be totally totally totally different feeling if you LOST ALL. That technology even if you make a brand new friend a brand new facebook, you still feeling so much better to be on it, seeing this you click your way through the photo album, or someone gone to the Obama UB alumni, remember the UB Alumni?

You been to the UB alumni when you were in UB?

That feeling is different!

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