
They cannot generate the statement = I love you = 5000 signature survey and then second round, and then third round, in D.C...so they doing those murdering other stuffs.

The IQ brain is on the street those human at. 

If you cared about those politcal structure FROM the TOP, you suppose to understand where those Constitutional were given, or why that is for the people made of? It was starting with the essence? What is that? The World Peace?

You didn't give your statement a supportive ....how you say...what I just found out through my family, I talked in Chinese....their kids start to finding the comic book exactly their nature wanted?

oh~~ that is so bad.

1) Its Simon.

2) Its Youngest Princess 

Seriously!! I never have that enlightenment before. 

I think the Judge is more mild personality with all of this going on. I didn't specific writing anything to that one or multiple set of the movie "content", you are saying "the position" fix, not the behavior science. You need a lot of the back up those claims, you saying your villege people knowing you, they didn't die out when the witness calling forward.

You want to bet on it?

You are saying the "position", I thought you might care about the "plot content", those included the overall state of the finding things are what you mean "under the investigation", you didn't help the investigation or you yourself its the investigating seriousness business? 

There is a difference you saying how you tranpassing those saying one day, but let's say, this is my first time riding on this wave of the energy, its just toooooo jam packed up. You saying the content legitimate issue, or you saying the positioning, or those are the evidence to support your position claims, you have to give a proper outlines, no Judge will understand a movie about 20 years ago, to them, that is 20 years ago passing things? 

Not just 10 years ago.

No one has the time to sit there imagining you or everyone else 1000 other claims, what you gonna do?

I am so very sure, this life, next life, near future, very soon future, one of those...you will say its the Judge lies. I am 1000% sure with all this things I saying out loud. You mean a judge can LIE? That is exactly you claim, I am telling you.

So psycho human...you are proclaiming...

You trying to tell me you have an argument, what is that? The legitimate issue, like the legitimate son, or you mean it was always the movie content making the claim? There is no such things called Arendale!!!

Give me a definition what the legitimate means to you?

Its the position you are targeting or the 20 years later you switch to say that is the movie content, I am telling you!!!!!

Without using my brain IQ I already know you gonna repeat by destiny every 16 years, really!!! Its my thinking power, or all your thinking drop-dead. REALLY.



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