
This my brother in it.

Wa hahahhaahhaah 15 mins, takes long.

About 35 % process, not sure how this software will connect to Youtube, like it says.


Watch the professional ~~ 💝💝⭐💝⭐ Love you Shane, love you Westlife. ~~~!!! 💝⭐💝⭐💝  68. 5 % processed. They say they will upload to youtube, well...didn't see the sign in box yet. Today is the first day I am using this service. Normally the Microsoft anything store require to purchase, and I wasn't staying a very long time on the desk jobs. 88% rendering done....



oh ~~ this is Microsoft or something link at them. Whom are these link I will remember of it?

Maybe I use a smaller file. I use the highest quality, oh mine!

It takes 28 mins to upload. 



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