
Uh, no ! Tina gone out of the City line, she flute at the Sea with a guy comes with a car, that is probably you all define the romantic relationship

At the sea flute her way there with the guy. I think the high school.

我說是提娜高中的時候再海邊,出去這個城市的界線,在海邊 ! 吹長笛。

It means the whole world to those time the girl or the guy or the age, or the romance

這好像是女孩子那種整個世界,那個時間那個男孩子跟那個年紀,講說浪漫吧 !

There are some other incidence. 有其他的事件

That time, 那時候

She got drunk, got carried back by one guy. 她喝醉,被那個男的抬回來!



I think a lot of the teenage girls that time will read one of those novel, so one of those school average public school if not private has this cram school outside like writing, or any other subjects, there, you making the friends like the middle school or the high school. Sometimes you have one of those gangster Big brother guy I guess. I never gone anywhere other than the school and home. How short its the distance between my home to the school!



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