
We already graduate for a long time ... ..

I compile the several video.

The graduation video. I just look at things in that way.

Have you ever watching any of this Near Death Experience....like someone pass away.

Other than the High School Musical? https://youtu.be/n3Hca-zoGPU

A lot of this, I seeing the passing scene are dying out, like that Chess Victoria Secrets, about 10 years ago, that was about the right time opening all that when I seeing it, they were already dying out. 

On this Planet, you saying you wish that Classify world given you some justice and orientation in your life = money, or explaination or the guidance. But in fact, most people are very very selfish, they really need at that age like 30 years old, to go home like my brother, playing the SIM game, or online games, or IPhone, or the weekend party, eat, sleep, movie. None of that will given you a support, so when they saying OU, its you are on your own age, you are your own boss to run a lot of the decision making with the material you see through the TV. 

You can communicate with the Star (Hollywood, or the celebrity like the Theater)

You can fitness ( I just saw a more weight-gain pony tail girl running on those thread mill, and she slim down thin. Before I vomit last post) = choreography

You can do a self improvement

You can cooking like that teacher on the stage old.

My brother after he works, he went back to get a MBA degree from the undergraduate, he gone to the University of Chicago. Is that where Obama near those place? He does doing the indoor rock climbing and he got injured on his hand. He has to drive a further distance. He doesn't really like that company, so he got another job to another company. No, I am not sure he does anything with the Comet, for sure not that Inelia Benz. But he has his own diet right now.

I can tell you what I gonna do .....because this is not healthy why 3 of us getting blind, damf, and mute .....it. After BTX, after X Man all franchise, because I picking that President or the democracy or the interests of the bio-tech giant included or DNA or genetics = Greys' reason, anything democracy I put my new orientation near by, just see WHEN I will get out of this loop?

I am sure the Court will given 3 of us a proper explaination or some guidance why we are in this kinds of the situation including that New Groove Disney Cartoon ending.

Technically, the way how I operate its if you just saying putting the alphabet together to make a word, or a sentence or a paragraph, saying line by line so there is a conclusion to make money in writing notice them.....in the combination of all that, I used to think barely those, I thought its serves my both interests on the money part.

But you saying if Sariputra he is more pretty, you look at the magazine. 

Not that ....

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