
We are sub-tropical weather, look at the vendor food. They won't lie to you. These kinds of the variety only shows up here.

On the left hand side, arm at?!



These are not exactly the local culture, I hardly think they even know the basic sense of the English expression were ought to be that international. You can try Ireland, they speakiing the 50% above all in that English communication means. Not us here.

Our medical history here will tell you these are not the custom for that kidney failure on those soy sauce, spicy, and preservative those marinated vaccum package tofu are all not wholesome food any Western Whole Food Market will demonstrate those buffet style olives.....vinegar ascetic acid.



It might be your TV made for you to arrival, how nice.....真是稀客,遠到而來、車途疲勞!

Not us not India, their development are still the university graduate looking the same every year faces, freshman to ending up these overseas too far away American for speaking an English not accordance to their brain wave how to pick up a second or the third language outside the same symbolism of their....graveyard, you know what I mean? Meaning the dedication to the ancestor to pay the gratitude, to those pioneer such as like you yourself all.




Life in aging, and while all the friends and environment fallen apart, those not true vision to where you all reaching far here, its nothing but the same miserable she felt so, from the First life to this End life. What can I do for you?

 ... ....

I highly doubt any Black Ops knew things or that Project Camelot any one word she picks up. Just like she used to be, just like her groups used to be, just like the nun, just like the monks. What the history reflection of that Wallace about the same just like that Keanu Reeves. What it used to, it isn't that much of all that difference including the German Director Doctor on her own Broadway one-time show, not the next 16 countries visitation Landing Visa, I wasn't even got told...yet?

.... ....

50-100 years of next to 200 years....well, they say without me I guess the mortal decay the body flesh. I wonder myself if I were in your jobs like station at. Its every day the same, tea, coffee, milk creme, Si vu pliate?

Imagine I were to watching them another 500 years what the same jobs its really their altitude straight up their head, their brain or hair issue I am staring at from the ship, right?

uh....she might really think you all eating raw meat. I don't think she knew Reptilian talking in those manner, you all uncivilized looking on the photo on the cartoon. False, but American Black Ops isn't that filth rich to cook you a ...that meal, so I cook?

Usually she moves over, she gets old the arm and legs are fragile to carry a heavy metal pan on a stove fire they even seeing the real fire, imagine that ~~~~~!!! Its not electric even temperature, on the meat texture? I am sure you mean you are not the vegetarian, she is.

She is one of those sub-tropical Hallo ha imagine you are naked, you are the military badges high proud glorious.....輝煌成就!  Imagine what the super hero all impossible mission, unpaid mercenary, I think her money its all in my pocket for now. She usually asked me before any of you really....she used to knowing THAT, the first very life !!! I never thought she had that problem that life....at her visual points unclear humanoid bilateral definition wasn't on her textbook. I hardly think her late husband to be that mundane that First time were just tiny off the street inside the cage yard that time, having a boundary saying....the Rich or the Poor business vendor.

I am sure if he wasn't that dead or retiree.....to one word bilateral face or the body feature including this Otter's tale cannot bite, she at least new vocabulary on the brain IQ not drop dead on any of you...sacrifice.


I highly doubt they are that tiny literate on one word Black Ops every says, sorry...the Project Camelots, all those whistle blowers, I only had what a dozen year ahead, a brief reading not on your monitor, my monitor all those one time seeing their on-line saying, its an alternative site.

It was the looking-glass they passing around in the Royal family or that to say, Scientiology mail box, sorry, not the main head quarter, they have a real site similar to blue or red at the Yogananda cause fight. One is legitimate, the other is....at the Project Camelot, how interesting....they themselves knowing that at all.

I don't think the missionary mission its anymore this dominating factor in our world, but I am sure they understood why that is more iconic in the human spirits, other than their own too business pursue only...its in the mind of the service to humanity under God.

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