
Where is the real physics department?

There is an eternity they got confused by all of you. 

But they only remember me

= Gravity, I ever talked about it. Seriously.

There is a Hermione position from Harry Potter. 

I can side by talking about the chiropractor because in the real medical student worlds, no body like them cared about the pre-major to be anything imaginative bone studies. The bio major or the bio chem its the bio-pathway in physiology.  Correct, most of them are not listening to me. That is not a super important field - a special field after you get in the medical school to imagine US MLE1 after or when they will choose their own special field. 

Yesterday that argument on the chemistry part, they are already confused. 

The friction of the wind, air, air pressure to later "burn out", its the first statement highlight, that is how the Gravity trap the asteroid to coming in to ignite and burn off, we are saved. 

That 3 things are the exactly the same idea, or the same thing, its the atmospheric ...wind, pressure, friction imposed to that asteroid or the comet. Trapped in by the gravity. That is how it disappeared. 

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