
You go to the real doctors office, all of them have something they do, every single of them, from every clinic doctors.

I never use America hospital, too expensive I think. I didn't see a lot of the doctors here neither. I like too, just zero time. Absolutely zero time, and I am on my chair indoor, so I am inside the bath tubes, not really why I seeing myself seeing that many doctors at the need?

If you want the guys just to agree with you, like you living in the same space, or going on a date, or some family outing, you seeing this one guy, or back up guys, or some village those dancing floor festivity, so you meeting a lot of the guys? 

I thought you don't like about the guys, or these are the New orientation table, you get yourself a position in the church, in the village, in the town, in the extra-curriculum clubs?  In other words, you want the guys to come and join your activities, because now you are some where some leadership or planning to, or always in plan to, or you fit into those position, in some of the extra-curriculum position, the church leadership, you want to bribe people to come to your cause? 

If you really knowing it yourself, you graduate from the school already, I think anything above the undergraduate degree, the guys will be the most aggressive on the "staring at your money, and your career goal." I have a brother, my sister is, but....I don't really how they say sequence Buddhism in life, or I just really sorting that one side guys, one side girls. 

I personally....

Too lazy to comment on what I think. 

So those massage I didn't think its how long you saying one guy might stick around you at all. It will be the money and the stability. How fast you understand per word "the cash flows", or the "capital flows" or "Investments" or "Red envelope" "Gifts" "Gift baskets" "Flower basket like that Eben inside TV that gf' "Show up Gift" "Welcome Gift" "Greeting Gifts" "Goodbye Gifts" "Seasonal cards" "Birthday Cards" "Annual meeting cards" "Investment groups", best most time they won't be hearing those words, someone says what?

The committee all board meaning in 10 different sectors, not those.

But if you utter exactly per word I say, other than the church business, or the villege, that will be the only start, not massage.

The church would be more of the expedition, MD +Ph.D, that peer reviews indoor clinical rotation paper one day. 

"Starting on the melting pot, sorry, starting at the melting culture, sorry, the melting cultural difference at the theater, music, and art, like her ex bf says the first time 2010, he notices, it was the comment from the viewers, its about their humanity in that country had some "soft influence" to their character building, and they are not the one child born policy like the cross channel. That given them some different family small nucleus family association, the friends establishment, the professionalism attire or joining in...let me see. Its the American club, they pay the annual fees, on my pay checks. Meaning per yearly they eat the American flag things. I wasn't sure so I venture, its literally an American Club."

"Not until you really visit and see, that is rather odd, to hear that cultural faciliating growth in that tiny land everything is more crowd, but that distance still required the car. How do they park in this City world to live on?"

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